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UGANDA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Annual Evaluation and Development Review Form- Drivers Review Period: & & & & & to& & & & & & SECTION A: TO BE COMPLETED BY JOBHOLDER 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Employee NameEmployee IDJob TitleCampus Department/FacultyDivisionSupervisor/Head of Department Date of BirthMarital Status Contract expiryHighest Qualification Held 2. LIST SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS/PROBLEMS FACED DURING THE PAST YEAR3. REVIEW OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT  List the training and development undertaken and qualifications gained during this review period.Training/Learning/Development undertaken Benefit gained and application made 4. REVIEW OF PERFORMANCE BY JOBHOLDER Key Competencies Marking (A-E)Justification / Evidence Verbal CommunicationAttendance and Time Management Physical fitness to perform assigned tasksTeam workCommitment & diligence Health and safety practices and awarenessAccuracy in dispensing your duties Timely completion of tasks6. Code of conduct and Instrument of Identity I have read, understood the staff code of conduct and continue to affirm to the university s instrument of identitySignature of Jobholder Date  Keys  used for ranking performanceAConsistently outstanding level of competence/performance BExcellent level of competence/performanceCRequired level of competence/performance with some strength DA level of competence/performance which requires development/review EA level of competence/performance which is unsatisfactory  Please forward to your Supervisor / Head of Department SECTION B  TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPERVISOR/HEAD OF DEPARTMENT 1. WHO ELSE HAS BEEN CONSULTED WHEN COMPLETING THE REVIEW2. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE JOBHOLDER S REVIEW ON THEIR PERFORMANCE IN PART 1  4 (YES), NO AND JUSTIFY BELOW.comments Yes No3. LIST STRENGTHS / ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE JOB HOLDER DURING THE CURRENT YEAR4. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT UNDERTAKEN  Please comment on the benefits gained / application of development during the review period 5. REVIEW PERFORMANCE BY SUPERVISOR OR HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (against the job descriptions). Key Competencies Marking (A-E)Justification/ Evidence Verbal Communication Attendance and Time Management  Physical fitness to perform tasks Team work Commitment & diligence  Health and safety practices and awareness Accuracy in dispensing their duties  Timely completion of tasks Integration of faith in Service. Integrating of faith into service  Keys  used for ranking performanceAConsistently outstanding level of competence/performance BExcellent level of competence/performanceCRequired level of competence/performance with some strength DA level of competence/performance which requires development/review EA level of competence/performance which is unsatisfactory  SECTION C: THE FOLLOWING SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED JOINTLY BY THE REVIEWER AND JOBHOLDER 1. BELOW ARE YOUR KEY RESULT AREAS, PLEASE RATE THE JOB HOLDER KEY RESULT AREASSCORE ACHIEVEMENT LEVELCOMMENTS 1. Adheres to all traffic laws and regulations. 20%2. Constantly checks and ensures that all damaged parts reported are replaced in a timely manner. 15%3. Ensures that there s sufficient fuel in the vehicle.20%4. keeps the vehicle clean all the time.20% 5. Ensures safety of all the staff being driven in the vehicle. 25%TOTAL SCORE OUT OF 100=Key (Achievement Level) A.90-100% consistently outstanding level of performance B+ 80-89% Excellent level of Performance B  70- 79% Required level of Performance with some strength C-60- 69% Level of performance which requires development or review D-50- 59% Level of performance which is unsatisfactory E-0-49% level of Performance not accepted 2. LIST ANY TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT THAT IS NEEDED TO IMPROVE ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE JOB HOLDER.3. WHAT ARE THE WEAKNESSES EXHIBITED IN THE REVIEW YEAR THAT NEED IMPROVEMENT?4. SIGNATURES 1. Job HolderSignatureDate2. Co Reviewer Signature Date 3. Supervisor / Head of DepartmentSignatureDate4. Head of Department / Faculty SignatureDate(a) . I note and agree to the assessment done, objectives set & personal development plan.(b). I do not agree with the assessment done, objectives set & personal development plan (you must justify below). 5. VC, Line DVC , Principal or Campus DirectorSignatureDate(a). I note and agree to the assessment done. (b). I do not agree with the assessment done. (You must justify below).  DIRECTORATE OF HUMAN RESOURCE & ADMINISTRATION Date received by DHRAForm completed Date filed by DHRAUrgent action is needed  Page  PAGE 6 of  NUMPAGES \*Arabic 6 6$ t   2 6 F J L ( , . 0 2  0 x | ~ ŻCJPJ^JaJCJ5PJ^JaJCJ5PJ^JaJOJQJ5PJ^JOJQJ5PJ^JOJQJCJ5^JaJOJQJCJ 5^JaJ OJQJ> RV~ $&(:>@Bptvx TXZ\268   ɵH*CJPJ^JaJH*CJ$PJ^JaJ$CJPJ^JaJCJ5PJ^JaJ!CJfHq PJ^JaJ$CJ5fHq PJ^JaJG  "$&(*,.024&*,.4   $&(*,. 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